Freeway Slowdowns - Modern Protest Movement Or A Way To Really Tick People Off?

Now that Hugo Chavez has passed away we have a real vested interest in who will run Argentina

Chavez was from Venezuela. The new POPE is from Argentina.

Ann Coulter and Rachel Maddow feuding, and Lindsey Lohan telling her lawyer to stop talking.

Now if they had a real hair-pulling drag-out cat fight…I’d watch…at least until my wife turned the channel on me.

Oh, man, I’m gettin’ old…

The US unofficially endorsed Cuba’s Banana Republic status with the Mafia pulling Batista’s strings and when Castro was successful in overthrowing Batista and running the Mafia out Eisenhauer scoffed at Castro’s revolutionary government and left the Cuban people to suck on sugar cane and starve. Who can honestly blame Castro for accepting Russia’s help? And all of Latin America recognized how little the US thought of Cuba and unofficially wrote their own Monroe Doctrine that made the US the adversary. It would be difficult for the US to put the worms back in the can in Central and South America so the US opts to pretend that it’s their can and their worms and their problem. DelMonte, Firestone and the God Fathers plundered Latin America for many decades and now Latin America’s left leaning governments are denounced by the corporations and the government that plundered them.

I here what you are saying and I kind of agree…But, verbatemly taking a line from Fox or using Heritage only references is opening yourself up to comment. I don’t mind being pigeon hole and made fun of as some who gets his news from PBS and his opinions from Princeton studies or the GBO. If the shoe fits, we have to judge the source. My best friends wife gets all of her political opinion from Rush…that’s good to know. That means there is never a reason for us to talk politics, ever. Another friend doesn’t have a computer and gets all of his political info from his best friend, a Fox viewer…another reason to never talk politics…knowing this stuff is valuable.

Makes a cogent point. Manners and good will is a key IMHO, to revealing truefullness and honesty. It that’s not exhibited regularly on a place like Fox, we know they have an agenda removed from the being factual.

And that verbatum line would be???
What is “Heritage”???

Pierce Morgan is on CNN. 'nuff said.
I’d like to see him bring Jeremy Clarkson on for an interview, that would be funny. He’d probably beg to have even Alex Jones back on his show after that.


Marko Rubio, sums the hypochondria of the Fox view point on govt. whose message is repeated over and over. This is from his rebuttal to the last state of the union address.
I am paraphrasing…" I could never have gotten a college education without government assistance…the govt. always gets in the way of we succeeding " these phrases were less then one sentence apart and a complete contradiction of ideas. If I took them out of contex, I apologize, but it is as I remembered. In other words…I got mine, you won’t get yours and the govt. is to be feared.

It’s the Fear mongering that goes on to promote the fear of govt., fear of minorities on welfare, fear of minorities with guns, fear of everything it seems.

But worst of all it’s the promotion of FEAR by Fox on minorities to the point of racism. That’s the Fox talk that is repeated routinely, FEAR and racism.

In summary, it’s the hypochondria of calling ourselves the greatest country on earth with the worse most fearful govt. , being he biggest contradiction. We use govt. services everyday successfully and never acknowledge it.

Both my sister and I got $2000 per year to go to college. It’s the best investment the US Government ever made. I pay it back every year in taxes.