First Production Ready Flying Car Coming Soon

At best this post was a sales pitch, pure spam.
At worst it was a scam.
To me this post is inappropriate and the thread should be closed.

Yes, the original post sounds like a badly written infomercial.

Nevertheless, it has given us the opportunity to discuss reasons why combining a car with an airplane has always been and will always be a bad idea mechanically, aerodynamically, and economically.

The activity on this site has gotten pretty lean lately. Lets not restrict any more discussions until business picks up a little.

@jesmed1‌ summed it up nicely. Even though I wholeheartedly agree the original post was pretty spammy, these one-off, drive-by spam jobs usually generate a substantive discussion among you.

Point made and accepted.

“…drive-by spam job…” LOL. So it was automotive in TWO ways…

Oldtimer beat me to it. 90% of the drivers out there NOW can’t handle 2D. The aspect of all these same nut jobs flying around above us scares the bejeebus out of me, to tell the truth.