Ah yes, J. C. Whitney, the home of fuel line magnets and tubes of battery desulfating magic goo. I did buy a perfectly good exhaust system for a '76 Fiat from them, though. However, the starter for an '81 Fairmont didn’t fit, and I had to pay the return shipping.
Installation kit is secondary, but you plan on buying it anyways. Yea…that’s logical.
You really need to slow down and READ before posting replies. I’m not going to waste my time responding to unwarranted attacks if you can’t take the time to read and comprehend what’s being said first…
I'm not going to waste my time responding to unwarranted attacks if you can't take the time to read and comprehend what's being said first.
First you say - Direct cut and paste.
The installation kit is secondary to me.
Then you say - again direct quote.
. If they're clueless about needing an installation kit, they're probably in over their head to begin with
Either you need an installation kit (which I say you do for a proper installation), or you don’t need one. If it’s secondary then why are people are over heads if they are clueless about needing an installation lit?
I sure wouldn’t buy a vehicle from someone who installed an aftermarket system without a kit. They are hack jobs with cut and soldered wires. Someone with proper skills can make the installation look good without a trim kit, but it does make the job easier.