I just realized that I have a problem with such leaks and burning smells ETC. A quick history about my problen when they came out with the vacine for the virus after I got the 2nd shot and lost my sense of smell. What my problem is recently we have had a few posts about exhaust and coolant smells if I see a leak I know I have a problem and know what I have to to fix it my question is if anyone has any ideas how to spot a problem that I can’t see?
By feel maybe? Or a white paper towel in a suspect area?
I think there are sniffers for gas leaks but suspect they are fairly expensive, having a shop check might be better. Without risking a flag again didnt your sense of smell return? And you lost your smell without testing positive? Unusual.
I am already doing that and as long as the liquid levels stay where they are suposed to I also judge by the color to see if anything needs attention.
No my sense of smell never returned and I tested negative.
My biggest worry is a leaky exhaust that don’t get lowder.
You could keep a home carbon monoxide detector in your vehicle. one that runs on batteries.
Go to a shop with an exhaust gas detector, pay them to check your system, once a year, say.
When I was in South Dakota in the 60s a friend was explaining why they had adopted vehicle inspections. She said that a good portion of the brand new vehicles were found to have pin hole exhaust leaks. I have no idea how accurate that was but if Gm and ford can’t get it right, gotta wonder about billy down at the muffler shop.
Thanks that is a good idea.
lol …u r rite!!!