Early 90's Corolla Coolant return pipe

The contest is not which is better, the issue is which is the easiest to remove and install in this extremely limited space. And there is the issue of installing that 6-inch piece of straight radiator hose between two housings only 4-inches apart…

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Good grief, did you not see the ( :rofl:)?? It was a joke pertaining to the above post… :man_facepalming:

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Cable spring remover gave it up after one tab on the clip bent back and lost grip purchase but it had brought it half way off the hose, had to run a small cable into the bridged tab on the clip back to a metal cross member just above the water pump and baptized it with PB blaster between pull back on the cable and and 90 degree hook pushing it up and down, it came off, there was hallelujah to the heavens. The pic below was able to keep the new clip open on the hose and fed up from below to install the new hose, the suspense of whether it would stay on the clip and not release before the hose was in place dreadfull.
Thank you all for the comments

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If you have the metal pipe, it has o-rings on it that should be replaced because the pipe will get jostled around when you remove the water pump and the o-rings will leak. If you have a rubber hose, then it isn’t so critical.

In the Chilton’s manual, para 9 under the 4A engines refers to the “oil level gauge guide” and the “oil level gauge”. This is the dip stick tube and the dipstick. Nissan uses the same terminology. I just ordered a seal for a Nissan and googling o-ring for Nissan dipstick tube and variations thereof yielded nothing. At Nissan dot com, I found an IPB (illustrated parts breakdown) and learned about this term.

BTW, use the spring clamps as the worm gear clamps pinch the hose and will weaken it at that point. Also I have found the using RTV between the rubber hose and metal housings will prevent corrosion on the metal surface making the hose much easier to remove years later. However never use RTV between the hose and any plastic fittings (radiator) as it will leak.

BTW, the tool recommended by @dram_191252, I have one of those, it doesn’t work.

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@dram_191252 … if you still need the link for the arm protectors I provided in a prior post , send me a private message. That post got removed b/c the link was judged to be spam. Go figure.

Well that was stupid, of all the post that should have been removed (including mine) they picked that one?? I thought it was appropriate for what the OP was going through… Crazy what gets removed on here sometimes…

I have also been very politely asked a few times in PM to remove or reword something and I always do when asked… I have also said somethings that I NEW would be flagged that never was… :man_facepalming: :rofl:

I would like the option to view blocked/flagged posts. Some might be flagged due to thin skinned persons. Some of course are spam.

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I think some are flaggedout of spite more than anything… I think if a post is flagged for any reason, it just gets removed rather it needed to be or not…

I almost feel like PMing someone and asking them to flag a post of mine that would be 100% harmless and in the rules just to see if it was removed or not, just to test my theory… :thinking:

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Pretty sure only the moderator can remove a post.