
You’re correct, pvt.
Sad, isn’t it? What’s really sad is that those in the beltway making legislation are totally oblivious to the actual effects and repercussions of ethanol.

New aftermarket coil-immediate rich condition. Any connection?

Yeah, according to one chemist I know, the price of E85 needs to be at least 1/3 cheaper than E10 to make it worth your money.

Mountainbike, I don’t think our legislators are oblivious to the effects. They just have a different constituency. The Corn State legislators what to help Big Business (ethanol) and get their pay day. The other legislators want to help as long as none of their constituents complain too much. They will need help when their Benefactors come calling for a really big favor.

Jt, you may be right. The species is still “snake”, but I may have miscategorized the reptiles’ motivations.

It’s been said that the two biggest problems with the world are apathy and greed.
But I don’t give a d#&%, as long as I get mine…

Been driving for 2 days and no cel yet. I think I have approx e40 blend in tank

my friend uses e85 as a race gas alternative since its actually higher octane than premium allowing him to run more boost in his turbo car. as far as how a car can determine if its e85 or gas in the tank theres a sensor inline with the fuel line that can tell how much ethanol is in the gas and change fuel trim on the fly. most normal gas you get at the gas station now is e10 i call it a cheap filler since it raises the octane allowing them to mix it with lower octane gas and reduce fuel economy since ethanol doesnt go as far. bigger injectors, special fuel lines and seals (in pumps and other parts) are required since the ethanol eats through normal lines and more fuel is required. small engine are also having problems with ethanol too due to the plastics, rubbers and corrosive properties of ethanol. they sell E0 and premixed E0 with 2 stroke oil for small engines at many places to contradict this. for a while they were talking about bumping up the ethanol again in normal gas but let me tell you this is going cause nothing but problems

Its time to let the public have a say in this so called democracy(not)-LISTENING WASHINGTON,DC?-Kevin

The folks in DC all got voted into office democratically. If you have a problem with DC, you really have a problem with the American electorate.

Ethanol is the wrong bio-fuel IMHO. Bio diesel is easily made from a weed, rapeseed, as well as soybeans. It is a cold process not requiring distillation to make fuel. It can mix up to about 50% with no ill effects in warm weather and somewhat less in cold. Total carbon cycle is negative not positive as is ethanol. The bio-diesel lobby apparently is not as strong as corn-ethanol.

Whitey, in the 1700s King George III sent his troops into people’s homes to arrest and punish them because they opposed his rule. In 1776 we declared out independence from King George III, with a list of grievances in the declaration that included this behavior by the British. After 11 years of war, in 1787, our founders wrote a constitution designed to prevent our newly formed republic from becoming a monarchy, and in 1789 James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights as an addendum to the constitution, Article I of the bill to guarantee that we would never again be denied the right to speak out against out government. I will fight for my right to criticize the government, just as our founders did. I cannot and will not accept the statement that if I have a problem with DC I really have a problem with the electorate (implying that the problem is not within the beltway).

In short, we have in our founding documents a guaranteed right to criticize our government, and I refuse to accept that the problem is elsewhere. Remember that we are not a democracy, we’re a republic. Once our “chosen” representatives get to Washington, the average citizen has no say in what they pass or don’t pass. We have every right to criticize them.

And now, back to cars. If you never hear from me again, ask the NSA where I am…

Thinking back to the time of Ike, I can’t think of one president I didn’t severely criticize. Some worse than others but criticize them all I did and most likely always will. I can still see my mother crying when JFK was elected but I think he was OK but almost got us all killed in his youth. But outside of him and Ike, I’ve lambasted all of them and I consider myself a good American.

@mountainbike, thanks for the history lesson, but I already knew all that. The part you forgot was that the Constitution created a government BY the people and for the people. I can’t remember, but I think those are Lincoln’s words. I don’t have an issue with criticism of the government, I just think the blame should be put where it belongs, and as long as we get to vote, I think that belongs with all who are able to do so, whether they exercise that right or not. I’m pretty sure the right to complain about the government includes the right to assign blame where it is due. Rather than whine about politicians, I prefer to criticize those who give them power and keep sending back to DC in spite of a lack of performance.

of the people by the people for the people, and Lincoln wasn t born yet when the constitution was written

I know that too. Thanks for another redundant history lesson.

Some of you sound like a passive aggressive boss who hires bad employees and then complains about them instead of reexamining how they got hired or cleaning house. I’d rather fire the bums than whine about them.

actually the words came from the intro to wycliff (sp) English translation of the bible, but yes Lincoln used them too

your probably more familiar with marx…

The problem is, I don’t have a vote for most of Congress. I don’t even have a vote for most of the House of Representatives members from my state; only one. And he doesn’t represent the area I live in. We were thrown into his district to dilute our votes. I do approve of our Senators, however. I always vote for someone, but almost every one of my votes is for the one I dislike least.

if we could only vote for the lobbyists of our choice we might have some influence…