Does one experience with a car brand kill it for you

Nope, I have not had any single experience that would bias me from one brand or another, if the price was right that is.

If anything I would probably shy away from any car that I had to jump through hoops for conducting regular maintenance.

Also, my mechanic does not like to work on certain vehicles, so I would keep away from them as well.

ANY Chrysler product. Junk!! Their present economic status bears me out.

I also have a 2002 Highlander and it has had not ONE SINGLE mechanical problem with it, I have a 2WD V-6 with 95K on it and since I maintain it meticulously I get 22MPG in city and on highway up to 27MPG at 70mph…the best auto I have ever owned.It is outfitted with an auto tranny and the tow package (all heavy duty parts for cooling, suspension, amperage, air, etc…a real deal).