Disperse This!

I hear that if you stick an RF TV remote in your mouth, a head big enough will act as a parabolic antenna, allowing you to control your neighbor’s TV.
If you then have a bunch of big headed friends stand behind you while you have that remote clenched between your teeth, it becomes really directive. In a pinch, it could be used as a lethal particle beam weapon.

jk and I hope everyone else here is as well.

@MIT86 - “BTW modern remotes for cable boxes DO use RF, often at ISM 2.4 GHz nowadays (plus an old IR diode for TV power on/off).”

Some do, Verizon’s Fios remotes are still 100% IR.

@rain simply. rays and waves are different creatures

The way it was explained to me was. This worked if you had metal fillings in your mouth. It is using the metal as a boost.
Next are you going to do the discussion on the wives tale of, if you are locked out of your car and call someone with your second remote, put your phone near the door lock, the remote will unlock it over the phone?

The remote works at 315MHz. That makes the wavelength about a yard long. You’ll get little reflection from objects less than a wavelength in size.

I’d say it is the height of the transmitter. Maybe try using the remote above your head.


Whoever started that myth about the phone transmitting the key fob signal is one mean sadist.