Diet manual transmissions

All I can say is it looks like his office is in his mother’s basement…

At 2:50 in the video he says, “I am an attorney after all…” which reminds me of the old joke about the graduates at a Medical School.

The student that graduates at the top of their class in a Medical School is called the Valedictorian…

But what do you call the student that graduates at the bottom of their class, the one who has yet to learn the difference between a Podiatrist and a Proctologist? You still call him “Doctor…”

Well I am not a lawyer, but I posted about the issue of Common Law from the “Dark Ages” which is why it’s quoted in Latin (a Dead Language… if that’s not hint enough…).

He often refers to common law like it is the law of the land, like it’s laid out in the Constitution, it’s not…

The U.S. common-law system evolved from a British tradition that spread to North America during the 17th- and 18th-century colonial period. Might I remind you that “during Colonial Times” the United States did not yet exist and we “Yanks” deferred to English Law…

But for all intents and purposes, Now, here in the United Sates, Today… Common law serves as a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents established by the courts in the United States Common law from other countries do not count… For example, Islamic Common Law, allows for a financial compensation to be paid to the victim or heirs of a victim in the cases of murder, bodily harm or property damage… That’s not common law here in the US…

However, Common law in the US influences the decision-making process in unusual cases where the outcome cannot be determined based on existing statutes or written rules of law.

And if you did read my previous postings, there are written rules of law that allow a person to fly a drone over your property, but as already noted not to break other laws like becoming a nuisance, just the same was the neighbor’s kid would be if he jumped up and down on his trampoline and every time his head popped high enough to see over the fence, he yells, “I see you…”