Did you hear George Bush?

Sorry, but I did not ask for a discussiion, I mereley wanted to know if he said it.

The motion was seconded hours ago.

Motion Carried! … Hold On …, I Have To Go Back And See What My Motion Was …

… Oh, here it is: I Move To Keep This A Car Question Forum, Please!

Here, Ye! Here, Ye!, Be it resolved, motion carried! All this crap other than car questions is hereby stricken down!
(those were cute pups and whose ever grandchildren on that carnival ride, though)

Okay, okay. Consider your motion to be seconded (or “thirded”?).

Thank You! Thirded Is Good! I’ll Drink To That!

Oh, but you can’t do that! The ‘General Discussion’ area is for all questions of the day! Check it out on the Topic Index page. You don’t want to get Guido angry, do you?

The Bible quote is surprisingly lucid, even if my MIL would take such talk very personally. I just might take back half the bad stuff I said about Dubya…

Lets try to relate. So…what does Dubya drive, a Ford PU ?

I find it ironic that a poster who tends to slip their conservative takes into many posts has labeled themselves “common sense answer”.