Oh, how wrong you are…. L L . . .
The title of this posting is, “Coming to a parking lot near you”
When the Pandemic hit and the schools went to remote learning, some folks did not have internet so the local libraries put in high power routers to cover the parking lots so the kids could sit outside at the picnic tables or in their parent’s cars to get online…
And to accommodate the folks out in the parking lot, they put in Porta Johns or Ports Pottys, so in a way we are right back to “Chamber Pots” L L . . .
My Router is brand new, just got it from Verizon when I upgradeg to Gigabit two weeks ago… I changed the SSID(the Wi-Fi Network’s name) and I changed the password to a new one with four-words and three-numbers…). For the uninformed… an example is: “Bugle-2468-tigeR-62-Putty-475-hammeR”… Sure it is not easy to remember, but it is also not easy to hack…
I am an old computer programmer and I once used this password, The secret is to say it, not read it… The password was “1234567890” and years ago, no one could break into my account_
So why couldn’t anyone break in, because it is One “2”, three "4"s, five "6"s, seven "8"s, and nine "0"s.
Or more precisely… 2444666668888888000000000.
So you see it is one two, three fours, five sixes, seven eights, and nine zeros… L L . . .
Every discussion will eventually end in that topic … lol …
It cannot end until the paperwork is done L o L . .
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