Cash For Unintended Consequences Program ? (2009 Revisited)

Bachman’s position was always “Yeah, if anyone here said something and got a lot of applause I say double his offer.”

Rod, I Read It, But Didn’t See Anything About " cut all entitlements to the poor. "

Could I have missed it ? Which section/paragraph ?

That was Gingrich, anyway, knows history, but kind of kooky.
Who are these other GOP front runners who want to " cut all entitlements to the poor. " ?


Do I really need to substantiate Rick Perry’s buffoonery? He was ready to jump as high and run as fast and yell as loud and promise as much as needed to impress Wall St to get their support. When he missed the first debate to speak with God and then appeared with Gods approval and the story of killing a coyote with his legally carried pistol in an Austin park his credibility wend down the tubes. He admired Bachman’s poise and statesmanship. My searches find more comedy than news. But I will keep my eyes open, @CSA.

This looks somewhat promising on Romney’s plans

Rod, Thanks. I’ll Keep Checking With You.

I never really followed Rick Perry. I never considered him to be a GOP front runner, but what were his exact words to that end ?

Once I Found Out From You That The GOP Front Runners For The White House Want To Cut All Entitlements To The Poor, I’ve Got To See Who These Guys Are, Read Exactly What They Said, And See Who Published The Quotation.

That’s a pretty stunning revelation. That is news to me and something I’m interested in reading.


This is hilarious. Listen to what the Republican Guru thinks are “good” Republican candidates

Norquist is the hall monitor set out by Wall St to keep the GOP congressmen that they finance toeing the line.

I’m having fun but it’s late.

Rod, I Read The Gingrich And Romney Links You Provided, But I Still Didn’t See Anything About " cut all entitlements to the poor. "

Could I have missed it ? Which section/paragraph ?

Who are all these other GOP front runners who want to " cut all entitlements to the poor. " ?

Sorry, again. I can’t do videos. Please provide text links.

I’ll keep checking with you, but can you cut to the chase and sustantiate those damaging remarks you said those GOP front runners made ? Who were those front runners ?


This may be succinct enough, @CSA

But certainly there is no quote from any significant GOP leader spelling out “cut off all the entitlements to the cadillac (&^%&((s”

And the GOP would rather avoid a head on collision with entitlements

because the single greatest entitlement is social security/medicare and to the Tea Party those programs are NOT ENTITLEMENTs. But the party flanks its Tea Party constituency with ambiguous reference to “privatizing social security” and “privatizing medicare.”

The effort to cut taxes to the wealthy, i.e., capital gains tax, is all too evident

and who would be taxed to cover the shortfall from that tax cut?

The Cash for Clunkers programs was a tremendous waste of $3Billion ($3,000,000,000) of taxpayer dollars.

What did it accomplish?

  1. it contributed billions to the deficit.
  2. it took many hundreds of thousands of perfectly serviceable used cars off the market that would have served those who cannot afford new vehicles
  3. it drive up the price of used cars
  4. it provided incentive to those who would have likely bought new cars anyway to buy them early, taking sales away from the immediate future. No long term gain, just a shift in sales data by a few months.
  5. it made great speeches for the always-campaigning president.

“Can you think of any examples today where government is engaging in rules of regulations that could have unitended consequences that aren’t being thoroughly thought through ?”

Hmmm…you mean ilke the houses that fell into the ocean because the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) would not allow homeoeners to put wavebreaks in front of their homes WITH THEIR OWN MONEY??? See attached link for videos and newscasts. Nine homes were lost in total. Those in jeopary that are still habitable went ahead and moved stones in anyway. The DEP now wants the stones removed. The issue is not yet resolved.

I urge you to visit the link.

Cash for clunkers was political razzle dazzle, but what’s new? There’s a dog and pony show on the left and another on the right and we are paying the price of admission to both. Hooray for OUR(?) side.

I’m pretty sure Obama got reelected because of people voting for him multiple times.
One woman here in Ohio was caught voting for Obama on 6 different occasions on voting day. I’m sure she wasns’t the only one.

Funny thing, too, was that the proposed bill that would require ID when you vote was voted down by a 3/4th vote.

Maybe the pregnant chads carried the election for Barrack Obama.

I measure this by:

  1. we ordered a Prius in Aug 2008 (this volume dealership was sold out of P’s) and were told that expected delivery in Jan-Feb 2009, depending on dealer allocation and purchase confirmation. We were #29 on the waitlist. By Oct 30, we became #1 and there were still 15 Prius’ on the lot unsold. And by our 1st dealer oil change at 3K miles, Feb 2009, Toyota was giving $2000 rebates on top of any negotiated deal. I stopped counting the Prius’s on the lot at 30.

  2. Our retirement funds (balanced) were down 45% from its 2007 peak. Our contributions in PGWB years became less than worthless Our total value of the retirement fund in Feb 2009 was equal to that of 1997. Our investment property of 29 years and house of 28 years unsalable. And we were 2 years from first retirement eligibility.

  3. Our son was coming off of 3 postgrad internships from a big tech firm, Masters in CS and Mech engineering from top engineering universities, could not get an interview.

  1. US branded automakers, workers, buyers, savers and investors got religion on capitalism, politics, and personal finance.

Cutting entitlements is rallied as “starve the beast”

Everyone recognizes the GOP’s determination to end entitlements to the poor.

I appreciate and agree with what you had to say…right up to the time you used a Granada as an example of cars that would have outlasted those they were traded for. The one I had would only if I had rebuilt it several imes over…from top to bottom and at great expense.

Apparently you abused your Granada, @dagosa. Classic automobiles like Granadas must have the respect that they deserve. They don’t handle being rushed in the morning or speeds above 45 for any great length of time. Next time you see one pay attention to the driver’s regal non-chalance to the rat race.

We may not have gotten much for the $3B spent on this program, but I think we got more for it than we got from the $5B the IRS lost to identity thieves filing false returns last year alone. This crime is growing exponentially and the IRS won’t even cooperate with law enforcement for stopping this.

Where is the FBI on this too? It is a federal crime after all. These criminals aren’t too hard to find, they brag about it on facebook. Or just follow the gold plated Camaro’s with the 30" wheels.