Cars to Buy Before They Are Gone

Well, at least the discontinuation of the Chevy SS is good news for both Ford & Chrysler.

Although Ford Tauruses and Dodge Chargers seem to have a lock on the market for police vehicles, I have seen a fair number of Chevy SS police cars in this neck of the woods recently. If the SS is withdrawn from the marketplace, that will cement Ford’s & Chrysler’s positions in this segment of the market.

The SS and the related PPV Caprice police car go out of production in 2017, when GM shuts down its Australian factory.

I think the reason for all of the car manufacturers leaving the down under was due to high costs, whether labor or exchange rate not sure. As far as the wind tunnel testing goes, I’m not yet convinced that customers are more concerned about wind tunnel results than the Feds in seeking higher CAFE results. Could be wrong but we’ll never know when all the cars look the same.