Car Talk dropped from my local station

I recently had chance to give an Under the Hood podcast a listen. I made it about 1/2 through the hour, and gave up, and fast forwarded to the next podcast on my mp3 player, which happened to be Car Talk. Yippeee!!

Re Under the Hood, the first problem was it was nearly the 10 minute mark before they talked about car repair. Much of the first 10 minutes was about Bigfoot believe it or not. Bigfoot talk wasn’t what did me in though. If the whole show was about Bigfoot I’d probably have listened the full hour. lol. Too many product endorsements occurring during the show was what did it. I don’t mind advertisements between the segments by companies like O’Reilly or whoever hawking their stuff, but I can’t brook the show’s hosts doing it too during the call-in part of the show. Another aspect of that show I didn’t like much was the caller’s question seemed to be pre-recorded on tape, so no chance for some give and take between the host and the caller. Not saying there’s no merit to that radio program, might well be a good listen to as you drive down the road on a long trip, but hard to justify downloading the podcast.