Can I add synthetic to my "regular" oil?

My Nissan Sentra uses 5W30 and I’ve been using the oil that I’ve always used. But I’ve noticed that a store I shop is out-of-stock and all they have left is synthetic. It’s only used 2,000 miles since my last oil change. Would it be OK to add the synthetic on top of the old-fashioned (I guess I could call it) oil? Or should do I have to go with a complete oil change with the synthetic? Thanks!

Sure! You can add synthetic oil to regular oil.

They make synthetic blend oils.

Part regular and part synthetic.



Agreed, you can mix the two types of oil and it will not harm your engine. However, it’s important to note that if you do mix the two, the conventional oil can keep the synthetic from performing to its fullest potential.

Probably not a problem for most drivers, especially an older Sentra.

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You can always try a 2nd store. The Walmart 4 miles away is always out of oil but has discount bakery stuff I like. And Walmart 2 miles from me always has oil but never has discount bakery stuff.

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Our Walmart seems to always have full stock of oil as if they have their own oil well and refinery… And their bakery is also pretty well stocked as well; but as if it is planned, the two locations, oil aisle and bakery are exactly in diagonally opposite ends of the store… Just try to get from one end of the store to other without finding something else you did not know you needed… L :doughnut: L . . .

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Walmart uses Warren Oil Company for Supertech motor oils. Thy always have it because they have a good ordering and distribution system.

Remember that places like Auto Zone, Advance auto parts, Napa, O’Reilly all carry oil… :grin:

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Lowe’s & Home Depot also sell oil. Heck, my local supermarket even has a small selection of oil.


I wouldn’t walk into a Walmart if they were giving the merchandise away for free.

So does… GASP… my local gas station! Shocking! :open_mouth:
I think Home Depot has a better oil selection though.

HOW did we get to the point where gas stations barely even stock any oil but have 60 varieties of beer and energy drinks?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Back in my gas jockey days at a Citgo station, we stocked 3 grades of oil, so when someone was 1 qt low (VERY common in The Good Old Days…) we would ask… Do you want the 50 cent oil, or the 70 cent oil, or the 90 cent oil? One day, when one of my buddies asked this question, the customer asked… What’s the difference between the 50 cent oil and the 90 cent oil?

My buddy’s response was…
What’s the difference between chicken sh*t and chicken salad?

Once again, the boss had to caution him about his language, but my friend got his point across, and the customer opted for the 90 cent variety.


When they started with self service.

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The self service stations near me have oil. But if it’s a self service Shell then all they carry is Shell oil.

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1,000 years old/$1,000,000 question…

A guy up in Limestone Maine was searching for Castrol in 1974. Nobody had it but one day he went to the supermarket and discovered it. We are a long way from Indiana, Toto.

Your post made me think back on how common it was to add oil.

I was a gas-pump jockey for four years in my youth. When people came in to get gas, it was very common to find their engines were down a quart of oil, and often more than a quart.

We kept a small stock of oil out at the gas pump islands because the need to “add a quart” to a customer’s car was so common.

Me either!
There’d most certainly be running involved.

Kansas, actually. The quote from the Wizard of Oz is:’ Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’

I haven’t seen the inside of a Walmart in years, you can order anything from them just about and have it shipped (with in a few hours sometimes) for free on orders over $35.00 IIRC, and or they will bring it out to your vehicle and load it in your vehicle for free…