Can diesel fumes kill you?

If you want to read something interesting, get a copy of Going Rouge.

Yes, that is correct, Going Rouge.

This is not her own ghostwritten book, Going Rogue, but instead is a collection of quotations from Ms. Palin prior to the campaign, during the campaign, and after the campaign. The contradictions in her positions are exceeded only by the incoherence of her statements, the poor grammar, and her almost total lack of knowledge of world geography and world cultures.

However, now that she is slated to be a regular “contributor” to Fox Faux News, we will be seeing the new, rehearsed and semi-educated version of the old Ms. Palin, so she may actually begin to come off as someone with knowledge, rather than just random off-the-wall opinions voiced in a homey/phoney “You Betcha” style.

Anyway, the two books look VERY similar. Both have cover photos of her in a red outfit, and of course, the titles look very similar at first glance. The two books are very easily confused. You have to give credit to the people who assembled this list of her quotations for some creativity in marketing it.

Please read my post more thoroughly…the implication is…that Beck could not tell the difference and count me in support of his love interest. “as if he knows the difference” and buy it with a pack of Reagan jelly beans to disguise my intentions. I know the difference, because I have an English teaching wife who selectively proof reads my posts and corrects me. I married above my class, Beck didn’t or maybe I over thought the joke.:frowning:

After reading your revised post, I now “get the joke”!

I actually think that Beck would know the difference between the two books, however.
Stupid, he is not.
Instead, I can’t decide if he is just plain crazy or if he is “crazy like a fox”, and has figured out how to exploit certain political views for his own monetary gain without really having those convictions.

Anyway–How about them diesels?

So right. Another shill like Limbaugh who couldn’t possibly believe everything he says. That “would” be stupid.

"Anyway–How about them diesels?"
Diesels are great. I hear they’re completely non toxic. What a break for oil/car companies. No more converters, urea etc. And, you can back them into the kitchen and cook off the manifold.

It’s not exactly diesel fumes, but any fumes that displace oxygen. You won’t necessarily be poisoned (though you may be), but asphyxiated.

All the children on my planet know this just a certainly as all children on the planet Earth know that the earth orbits the sun.

Don’t get me started on Palin!

“You know, well, all of them, because they came collectively together with…so much diversity in terms of belief but collectively they came together to form this union.”
– Sarah Palin, when asked by Glenn Beck to name her favorite founding father

You couldn’t stay in the closed garage for long with the choking fumes. Even an open garage would be quite a challenge.

I recall a friend having a basement dug under his existing house abouth 30 years ago. The contractor used a diesel “Bobcat” (or similar machine by a different brand) because they knew that a gasoline engine powered one could kill the family who were still present upstairs while the basement was being dug. A diesel one wouldn’t. It seems to have worked. The family all lived.

Go diesels! however I believe the intent of the teacher was to illusrate that diesel engines generally produce less CO,then a poorly tuned gas ICE.Never ever,use a combustion appliance in a area with poor ventilation.I dont even like to many candles or a gas stove in the room,charcoal will kill you too.
The far right thinks we are indestrucible ,the left wingers think we are are responsible for every bad thing that has happened to Mother Gaia-Kevin

A small gasoline powered Case Uniloader,almost killed yours truly and company when we were excavating a basement under an existing structure(I think the choke was hanging a bit-it seemed to be running rich)-Kevin

A pretty sorid point in the history of the species but I believe the original portable death mchines used by the Nazi “einsatzsgrupen” troops (forgive my German) pumped the exhaust from a diesel engine into a closed van body. Trouble for the Nazi’s is it did not kill quick enough.

I took a class on the Houlacaust a couple of semesters ago, quite disturbing information. Out of 54 original students 14 finished the class.

from “oldschool”

I took a class on the Houlacaust [sic] a couple of semesters ago, quite disturbing information. Out of 54 original students 14 finished the class.

If any of that was news to you, you might want to reconsider your handle. Sounds like 40 students figured out they were required to work (macht’s frei, you know).

Tragedy + Time = Comedy

Holocaust + Sarah Palin = Laugh Out Loud Funny

Car Talk Posters + Sarah Palin = Confirming Every Stereotype of NPR Listeners

“Car Talk Posters + Sarah Palin = Confirming Every Stereotype of NPR Listeners”

You say that like it’s a bad thing!


Zombie, sure I knew quite a lot about the situation but a 16 wk course provided so much more that I did not know, I reallly don’t know how the instructor could have taught the same course for 14 semesters, some days were so depressing. I conclude this is how your comment was ment.

But your post does not really get your point accross with out me putting my own interpetation on it, and I may not be reading it as you intended.

My take on why so many students left was not the issue of having to actually do school work. but was that the subject disturbed many people significantly. One day of unedited video from Bergan-Belsan was paticulary bad.

I certainly realize that one day of video from Bergan-Belsan does not equal one second of actually being there

So what your saying is she is no better than all the other pus filled, double standard, lying because sound is coming out of their mouths, good only for themselves politicians.

Thank you. Reading your reply, I have an alternative theory on why so many of your classmates bailed.

My ecology class used to check for CO using small glass test ampules thru which we would draw exhaust gases using a small hand pump. We used to go outside to the nearest traffic light and insert a hose up the tail pipe of a stopped car to check its CO emissions. Older vehicles (pre converter) would produce a reaction on one or two pumps while newer ones took many more. When the occasional city bus stopped, it too was tested. We could pump until the light changed and get no CO reaction. Diesel engines have a much higher air to fuel ratio and therefore have more complete combustion and produce much less CO. Long term you may die from black lung disease but not from having your hemoglobin tied up with CO. Short term in a garage you will probably suffocate from carbon dioxide poisoning as the vehicle uses up all of the oxygen.

OSHA and other work related organizations have a few thoughts on this matter…
I hope your instructor values her job enough to alter her instruction.


Workers exposed to high concentrations of diesel exhaust have reported the following short-term health symptoms:
? irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat
? lightheadedness
? a “high” feeling
? heartburn
? headache
? weakness, numbness, and tingling in extremities
? chest tightness
? wheezing
? vomiting

Long-Term (Chronic) Effects
Although there have been relatively few studies on the long-term health effects of diesel exhaust, the available
studies indicate that diesel exhaust can be harmful to your health. According to the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), human and animal studies show that diesel exhaust should be treated as a
human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance). These findings are not surprising since several substances in diesel
exhaust are known to cause cancer. It may take many years after the first exposure for diesel-related cancer to
Exposure to diesel exhaust in combination with other cancer causing substances may increase your risk of
developing lung cancer even more. Other exposures that are known to cause lung cancer include cigarette smoke,
welding fumes and asbestos. All of these exposures may interact with diesel exhaust to magnify your risk of lung
cancer, and should be kept to a minimum.
Some studies have suggested that workers exposed to diesel exhaust are more likely to have chronic respiratory
symptoms (such as persistent cough and mucous), bronchitis, and reduced lung capacity than unexposed workers.
People with preexisting diseases, such as emphysema, asthma, and heart disease, may be more susceptible to the
effects of diesel exhaust.

Diesel engines produce around 0.5-1.0 grams of carbon monoxide per brake horsepower per hour. This translates to thousands of ppm CO.

A few hundred ppm CO will kill.