Bolstering optimism

You’re confused, a bit.

It slows spreading within a region, but warmer temperatures do not stop infected people crossing borders into the country, bringing in new cases! People have to decide to do that.

Well, Australia was finally forced to close their open borders (Oops, closed the barn door after the critters got in) and now temperatures have been declining there for a while, while temperatures here are rising.

It wasn’t so much that the virus was spreading there, as it was that they were importing new cases daily. Now that the importing has ceased, temperatures are dropping.

The theory is alive and well.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

Hello all. I think it’s time for me to shut the garage door on this before we do any more amateur virology or border policy. Thanks.

Hee hee. No dogs for me, but I did discover on second inspection that I’m gonna hafta pull the transmission for new bearings. I’ve got the parts though for the past five years. Suppose to be a winter project but too cold. Blue skies and green grass.

I think some of the other regulars have been more worthy of the name . . . :thinking:

How can you even joke about serious matters like this . . . ?!

With that single idea, you just proved you’re not worthy of your own screen name

bringing it back to cars . . .


head of the line is a Lexus with that gaping maw that so many of you guys seem to hate

New Jersey had its first case on March 4th. 22 days later here is the headline: “N.J. coronavirus outbreak hits 6,876 cases with 81 deaths. Another 2,492 positive tests in huge single-day increase.

That is what happens in infectious disease epidemics, especially when people have the virus and do not know it, but can spread it to others. That is why we needed tests available for this months ago, but they were not made available.

So, while I hope you are safe, I would not get too complacent about this.

I still feel what you wrote earlier was totally inappropriate

Those folks are getting tested for the corona virus

Unlike you, they are taking this very seriously . . .


And before you ask, yes, I flagged them as off topic. I’m tired of you guys getting your shots in, and then when the rational people come along, @cdaquila has asked us to talk about cars again so we go along with her request and don’t respond, and then you keep taking shots while putting the word “car” in random places.

I’m happy to have a debate with you guys, but Carolyn has been more than nice about it and has asked us to stop. But that doesn’t mean you get the last word three times by flaunting the rules.

The entire country is asked to avoid discretionary travel yet there are those vagabonds that need to get out frequently, fill the gas tank, visit restaurants, the country club or the beach each day. I am able to “get outside” every day and honor the governors request to stay at home.

You are not being asked to stress over it but others would appreciate it if you took measures to not spreed the virus.

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