Big Changes at HD

Harley Davidson announced today that they are discontinuing the Buell line and selling MV Augusta - after buying it just last year. If you dream of buying a new Buell, now’s the time. The last one rolls out 12/10/2009. If you always dreamed of owning a motorcycle company, you can do that now, too!

The market is saturated…Everyone who wants one has one…Tattoos, hair and noise will only get you so far…

Too bad about Buell, but honestly, if I was getting a bike like that, I’d get a Ducati. And I never understood HD’s MV Augusta purchase, no relationship what-so-ever to the rest of the company. But I do understand their problems today, buying a Harley is the definition of excess disposable income, it’s gotta be the first thing to go.

it’s gotta be the first thing to go.

WHAT!!! First thing??? I don’t think so!
You’d have to pry the grips from my cold, dead hands. I can see it now- glancing back and forth between the wife and bike…well, dear something has to go!

Seriously though, we all have our own prioritization of our luxury items. For me, the bike is closer to the top in the hierarchy…

Not to sell, just not to buy…so tell your wife not to worry!

“And I never understood HD’s MV Augusta purchase, no relationship what-so-ever to the rest of the company.”

That’s one reason to buy it. HD got an immediate presence in the high-end sport bike market. It’s like Fiat buying Maserati and Ferrari or Audi/VW buying Lamborghini, Bugatti, Bentley, and now Porsche. The sale appears to be related to HD’s low sales over the last year. They must need to enhance cash flow.

I am saddened to see this happen, I was really rooting for the success of Eric Buell’s line of motorcycles.

Hey, watch it! I’d hit you with my oversize wallet if I could just get the chain off my belt loop! :stuck_out_tongue: