'Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me’s Peter Sagal pointed out that we already have driverless cars: those supposed to be driven by people who are texting (etc.) instead.
Won’t the real reason driverless cars will take over the roads be the implicit testimony of those who don’t really want to drive?
I’m sure it’ll get worked out eventually, but I sure don’t want to be the first guy that gets rear-ended by an autonomous car. I bet the legal wrangling over whether the owner or the programmer is at fault will tie the case up for years.
I bet the legal wrangling over whether the owner or the programmer is at fault will tie the case up for years.
Not according to BMW’s comments on their driverless car. BMW said they are taking ALL RESPONSIBILITY for any an all accidents caused by the driverless car. The driver will NEVER be held accountable.
The other day I was watching this lady stopper at the red light, a full tray of fast food (burger, fries, soda) on her lap/steering, then she decided to answer the cell phone and while that was going on, the light turned green so she drove off. Was trying to make a left turn and was all over the place but somehow managed.
I think it is time to give her a car that does not interrupt her eating/yapping.
A an electrical engineer got arrested a few years ago in Tampa for driving around with a cell phone frequency jammer. He was tired of everyone yakking away on their phones paying no attention to traffic. He got caught the most predictable way… habit. His commute followed the same path and time of day which allowed the feds to track his car.
Just listened to a program on distracted driving and fatalities. Although understanding the danger of distracted driving is not ROCKET SCIENCE, the first recorded fatalities were two ROCKET SCIENTISTS who were killed when one of them got distracted answering his phone.