Are all mechanics crooks?

Triedaq, I want to say that I’m not implying that all professors are idiots or crooks either. On the contrary, most of them have been excellent to deal with including one who owned a Toyota, Ford Escort, turbo Honda motorcycle, and an old Ferrari. He was a great guy and no longer in this area.

Like mechanics, a few taint the pool so to speak. My son gets irritated with them because not a week goes by that he doesn’t have to fight with them over reimbursement money, either face to face or on the phone. The general trend is trying to squeeze more money out than they’re legally entitled to; or not entitled to at all.
One considered a vacation to Vegas as business for example and another made a claim for a trip which included expenses for going to a site that was nowhere near where he actually went. Kind of like Dallas to Houston via Denver…

One even included the university president who took his wife on a trip to Asia on taxpayer money; and flew first class doing it. All hxxx broke loose over that and my son refused to authorize it.
Eventually the toadie underneath the president overrode it and paid the tab. My son created a paper trail and told the guy he was doing so; just in case it ever came back to bite somebody.
What’s 15 grand for 2 plane tickets + other expenses when the taxpayers are on the hook for it… :frowning:

“One even included the university president who took his wife on a trip to Asia on taxpayer money; and flew first class doing it”.
@ok4450–What is even worse than the taxpayers being ripped off for $15,000 is the bad example set for students by this person in power. A course in ethics for students is a meaningless academic exercise when the personnel of the institution conduct is not ethical.

I doubt that all mechanics are crooks, but we had 2 estimates on a job that ranged from $500 to $700 and found a self employed mechanic that did it for $90 plus $7 in oil.

Emphatically no,there are dufusses and crackerjack mechanics,we are blessed with a plethora of good honest mechanics around here,sometimes you can even get a shadetree mechanic to do a job at a bargain rate.
I dont get burned but onetime anymore and please make sure that the charge isnt an unreasonable one.Overhead is a bitch-Kevin

I failed to mention that he bought a used rack separately, besides the $90 labor.

There’s an old radio commercial with that guy that played Mr. Haney on Green Acres as a mechanic. He’s listening to a woman describe car noises and she’s saying things like, “when I step on the gas it goes thump-thump, and when I hit the brakes it goes cachink-cachink, and when I shut it off it goes clink-clink. What’s that sound like to you?” And the mechanic says, “it sounds like trip to Waikiki-trip to Waikiki!”
