Any one will recommend car maintenance services in victoria?

I was looking for car maintenance service near my area Ravenhall and found out these guys singhautocare any one would recommend them.


Check yelp reviews.

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There’s a Mechanics Files section in this site. Give it a shot.
I’ve found the best source is friends, family, co-workers and others with whom you interact. Outside of getting a list of possibilities and basic info, I really can’t verify online ratings with local shops so they’re of limited value. Bad reviews could be from a competitor, an ex, or the one in five hundred that had a bad experience. Good reviews could be from the current spouse or a friend.
best of luck in your quest. Hope you find a good one.

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Seeing that 99.99% of the members here are in the states and have never been to Australia, we have no idea if they are any good.

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