Hello folks,
My 2006 Sentra 1.8L has about 103,000 miles on it and due for maintenance. I plan to do some of the stuff myself, including spark plugs replacement.
I read few tutorials online and also watched YouTube videos, looks very much doable, except I don’t know if it has ever been removed/replaced (I bought it pre-owned at 70,000 miles) so I don’t know if anti-seize was applied and if the plugs are stuck. I don’t want to take any chances so assuming that they are stuck, can I apply liquid wrench overnight before trying to take them off in the morning?
On one of the threads, one poster mentions that NGK spark plugs have anti-seize coating, is that true? If not, is this product good to use as anti-seize, https://www.amazon.com/Permatex-81343-Anti-Seize-Lubricant-Tube/dp/B0002UEOLO ?
OEM spark plugs for my car are, https://www.amazon.com/NGK-6240-PLFR5A-11-Laser-Platinum/dp/B000BYERBI but everywhere I am reading that iridiums are better. I was planning to get, https://www.amazon.com/NGK-LFR5AIX-11-Iridium-Spark-Plug/dp/B000GZGUP8 Does anyone sense any issue with this?
On some of the threads, the posters suggest replacing spark plugs wires. I can not figure out what piece of equipment they are talking about. I know ignition coils that sit on top of the plugs and which wires are being mentioned here?
Assuming that the plugs are stuck, is it OK to try to loosen all of them one by one and if all loosen up, then replace each? If this is not a good idea, what happens if I manage to replace only 2 or 3, out of 4 spark plugs?
Last but probably most important, when do I give up trying to remove the plug if it is stuck. I don’t want it to break or something, otherwise taking that car to the mechanic would be a hassle. I am very new at working on the cars, but after being taken for a ride by various mechanics, I decided that I should educate myself and start working on the car.
Thanks a lot for all comments in advance.