Accident and Bent Frame

My ex wife? Yup. I’d even nick the brake line for her. :smiling_imp:

Seriously, I would let a loved one drive it. I’ve witnessed the process of frame straightening, and while it isn’t a guarantee of trouble free future operation it also isn’t tolerant of what would manifest itself as frame alignment so bad as to be a safety issue. I’d let my loved ones drive it, assuming the rest of the repair work was done properly. If after driving it somewhat I didn’t feel comfortable with it, I’d just sell it and move on.


LOL on the first part; i know a few I would do that to…, now it seems they are thinking of totaling it. .thank you for your answer

I’ll defer to the experts but having the cab cocked to the right some would be a little concerning to me.

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FInal update: The insurance company totaled my truck and gave me $4997.83. Thank you all for your input…

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Sincere thanks for taking the time to let us know. It’s always good to hear the results.
Happy motoring. :relaxed: