I have a 73’ Chevy Nova with a 250 L6 engine and 3 speed manual transmission. My father and I planned on taking the rear differential and the leaf springs off the car, but after thinking about this our concern was, if we took it off, would there be a possibility of putting it on so that the tires would not run straight but at a slight angle. Lastly, would it be hard to disconnect the drive shaft form the rear differential and what other serious problems could arise?
You’ll want to take off the driveshaft to check the universal joints, get a manual, it’s just two u-bolts at the back. As for the axle, any particular need to remove it?
the only reason we wanted to take it off was to clean the rust off the leaf springs and the axle itself. but we have it hanging now because we took the jacks off it, so my dad has pretty good access to the axle now, so its not absolutely necessary.
If I remember right, there’s locating tabs/pins that keep things lined up, but I haven’t taken one apart in years.