2020 Subaru Outback rippling roof racks

2020 Ripply rubber roof racks. They look like a washboard looking down the side of the rack. My 15’ and 17’ don’t look so wavy. Is this a problem on the new rougring?

Have you spoken to anyone at the dealership about this problem?
If you have, and they have not been responsive, then you should contact Subaru at the corporate level, via the contact info that can be found in your Owner’s Manual.

I can’t answer that question because I don’t know what a “rougring” is.

  • Is it a problem now?
  • Is it something you want to check out in case it becomes a problem?

If yes to either, take dated photos and register this in writing with the dealership while it’s still on warranty.

If just curious, have you compared yours to other cars of the same model and year? Or cars currently at the dealership?

Provide photos and we can help.