2020 Lincoln Continental - Faulty door sensor

2020 Lincoln continental False Door opened alarm triggered, since the 1st week in the middle of the night the alarm goes off and I get a message on my car app “Security system has detected door opened and triggered the alarm” it happens usually once a night and almost always every night or every other night. I have cameras outside so I know theres no one messing with the car. Every time I take it to service center they cannot find a problem and it has stayed upto 5 days in a row there with no issues. But the moment i bring it home it happens again. The dealership has replaced the door latch and the battery. Still happens, don’t know what else to do and if it’s an issue with something in my house or neighborhood causing the issue?

Every time I take it to service center they cannot find a problem and it has stayed upto 5 days in a row there with no issues. But the moment i bring it home it happens again. The dealership has replaced the door latch and the battery. Still happens, don’t know what else to do and if it’s an issue with something in my house or neighborhood causing the issue?

I would suspect something in or around your home, Does it do it any where else like a store work church etc? If not suspect your or your neighbor’s home.

Thanks, doesnt happen anywhere else, it’s always from 11pm-4am. Maybe signal interference from my wifi or a neighbors… when they replaced the door latch it went 2 weeks with no issues but last night it did it again.