2016 Mazda CX-5 with about 101k miles. About 2 months/ 5000 miles ago I had a Mazda dealer replace the front brakes (new pads and new rotors) they also did a brake fluid flush. Started getting a shaking in the steering wheel immediately after that at highway speeds (55-75mph). It’s seemingly random shaking and is not related to pressing the brake pedal, so one would think it might be related to the tires… that Mazda dealer kept telling me it was a problem with the tires. Now two regular balances of all four tires and two road force balances of all four tires later I’m still getting shaking, may be slightly improved but by no means gone. I’m told the wheels and tires have tested as perfectly round as well. A different Mazda dealer I took the car to recently looked at the front brakes and told me everything looked good although I think it was just a visual inspection and they didn’t take the pads or rotors off the vehicle. The tires had been on the vehicle for 50k miles without an issue before this recent shaking problem started so I’m inclined to believe they are good tires. Any thoughts?
The dealer is probably right about his diagnostic.Replace them ASAP because 50k miles on a set of tires is asking for trouble.
If those tires are not at the end of their tread life, they are certainly getting close to that point.
Michelin rates/warranties them to 90k miles and visually they still look very good, I believe the tread is still around 7/32"+ on all four. Is it possible something has gone wrong inside the tire that I can’t see and the balancing machines can’t pick up?
Got 79k out of my last set of Michelin’s, no troubles. Of course it is possible. Could be a brake caliper problem. Do all the wheels feel the same temp after a long drive?Is brake pad wear even,inside and out pads?