2015 Camry, purchased April, 2015, now at 104,000

Oh. Now I remember. Can’t play Noel with no E.
The E bell’s striker broke and, like a pinball machine, rang two other bells on its way down.
Bounced twice on the belfry floor above me.
What would the headline have been had it killed me?

I don’t want to embarrass you or reveal anything so I’ll try and just post the link on your message page. Then you can post it here or not.

It is public domain.
Embarrassment has never been a fear of mine. My skin is as thick as my head!
People are welcome to laugh.

Since 1989 I have been a voldumbteer performing medical transports for free.

Freud would be proud…

FYI, it’s not a Freudian slip if it’s intended.