2010 Kia Rondo - The good news is, they missed me

I have bullet holes in my car and the quarter size glass, passenger side in back is shattered due to a bullet and the compartment in the middle where gear shift is, is broken. Missing screws to hold it together.

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Sorry to hear about that, but we can’t really help you with being shot at
 This is more of a mechanical repair place then a body shop place

If the gear shifter is broken then it needs to be replaced along with the missing screws
 Probably best to go to a pull a part junk yard and get all parts for the shifter as needed

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Yep, if you don’t have comprehensive insurance, time to go to a junkyard for the shifter parts. Glass shop for the window.
Bullet holes in the body, leave ‘em, gives this Kia panache.

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Jerry Seinfeld: “I think if you’ve got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn’t your biggest problem” 


Looks like a typical marketplace ad, “Good used car, only been in one shootout”.


This is the funniest post and answer thread I’ve seen here in a long while! :rofl: :joy: :laughing:


I was born in Syracuse NY. Lived there until I was about 7. We lived about 1/2 from Syracuse University. In a one-week period we had 2-3 shooting deaths within 2 blocks of our house. One was a guy sitting in his car and was shot at close range with a rifle. There were at least 10 bullet holes in the car door. Then right after that we get a notice from the state that they are taking the house we were renting due to emanate domain to build I-81. My mom said it was a good time to move out of the city. We moved about 30 miles north to get away from that crap.


Where you might get shot out in the woods during deer season if you are not wearing blaze orange. (or maybe even if you are, some hunters are color blind.

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During my high school years, something like this happened to one of my high school friend’s family. They had owned a house w/a small orchard for nearly 30 years, the orchard provided some supplemental income to the father’s primary job. A private developer needed their property in order to build a shopping mall, and the city agreed. The family refused to sell, eminent domain (at the time) didn’t apply to private development. So the developer started constructing the mall with their house and orchard right in the middle of the construction zone. The family sued the city of course for allowing this, but the problem the family had was the legal system is a cash game. You have to be able to keep paying the legal fees, otherwise you lose by default. The developer had more money, so the developer won, and the family lost their home and orchard and were forced to move.

In 2021 there were 9 injuries and only 1 hunting related death. You are safer in the woods with 10 million hunters than Mike’s old neighborhood!

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The guy was sitting in his car with one of those reindeer caps on :laughing:

That’s funny! Think about it. They tried shooting the prior owner. You want to be driving around in his old car? Instead of a “Just Married” sign you need a flashing “Just Purchased” sign!

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There was a strawberry farm across the street from the hotel I stayed in at Disneyland around 2000. Apple Maps and Google Maps still show the land unoccupied although there is not obvious agricultural use. I was told at the time that Disney wanted to buy the property but the farmer refused to sell. It looks like Disney has a garden style hotel on the northern border of this property today.

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