Hi. I own an 2009 Land Rover LR2. In January while driving the sunroof suddenly broke into many peices. The next below caught the big chunks but the small pieces were raining down on our heads. We took it to a body shop recommended by our insurance. While in their care they sent it to the dealership for repairs because they were short staffed and had many other cars to work on. While at the dealership the LR2 was left outside from February 19 to March 28. During this time snow and rain accumulated on the inside of the car due to the broken sunroof. The car smells and the body shop is cleaning it now. They said they are remediating the mold but I stopped by the detail shop and it was basically an industrial fan pushed under the seat. The body shop has agreed to replace the carpet but I am concerned mold is on the air system and seats. What can be done? I don’t want a car causing respiratory issues. I also need a car ASAP because I’m moving halfway across the country in two weeks.
They need to replace the interior at their cost. Are you dealing with your insurer? Your insurance may be able to represent you in this matter. Once you leave town, have a friend you trust to check the Landy for you. When your friend says it is ready to return to you, fly back and inspect it yourself. If your insurer gets involved, maybe they will inspect it for you. Don’t accept it until it is right. If your insurer won’t get involved and there are problems with repairs, contact a lawyer.
One more thing: It is possible that th SUV might be totaled. If they try to do this, make sure that you get replacement value for a 2009 LR2 identical to yours before the water damage.
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Thanks for the advice!