2006 Honda Element - Recurring dead battery

Frequent dead battery

With the limited info you gave I will leave you with this…

Honda Element dead battery symptoms, causes, and how to jump start (wheelsjoint.com)

Look for light bulbs remaining on when car is off and parked. Common culprits: Brake lights, glove compartment light, interior lights, trunk light, engine compartment light. Beyond that, you’ll need to hire a shop for battery/charging/phantom current tests.

If you have AAA the on-sight technician can do a basic diagnosis as part of your membership fee. AAA also sells replacement batteries if yours is below a certain level of health.


Also: Any aftermarket electrical device(s) installed? Evidence of the vehicle being in a flood?

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Driving habits? Lots of short trips that aren’t long enough to keep the battery charged? Does the car sit unused for long periods of time?


Something to check.
2006 Honda Element Parasitic Battery Drain Caused By Failed AC Clutch Relay Switch - YouTube

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