Flooring on passenger side(especially rear) soaks up water like a sponge and traps it under the floor. Then, due to placement of many of the rear right-side fuse block and wires coming from it, the wires will pinch/rub/cut and the water-proof shielding to the wires becomes damaged, exposing the wires to corrosion. Resulting in minor to extreme electrical issues.
FIX: remove carpet after pushing seat all the way forward, then remove damaged wire sections and reconnect the wires.
Also note: another connector with many purple wires can easily become corroded which to my best knowledge can be repaired by using a wire-nut and connecting all the wires together.
fix… get rid of water problem first
wire nuts are for home electrical not vehicles. use electrical shrink wrap tubing
I guess the idea to solve how the water got in when first noticed was not done or all this wiring repair might not have been needed .
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Or a solution to water getting in might not be possible/practical, as in misaligned door/frame. Not owning the vehicle I’m not in a position to judge.
I cannot upvote this enough! Do NOT use wire nuts in a car!
Cadillac used the equivalent to a wire nut from the factory(8-pin connector that water could drip down into) … I do agree too, wire nuts in a water-prone area are not the best but with additional water-proofing steps afterwards such as relocating the part to a less water-prone area and/or adding some waterproofing enclosure(heatshrink-tubing). Without doing anything besides just the wirenut, it will still fix the problem, just plan to have to refix it every 5, 10, maybe 15-years.
Do you seriously think that this car will be worth fixing in 25 years–or more?
That is NOT a wire nut. A wire nut twists 2 or more bare multi-strand wires together. They are not designed to vibrate. Houses don’t vibrate, cars do.
That connector CRIMPS the wire to a terminal that is snapped into the connector body. They are NOT the same even though both are open to the elements.
Why is there water in the footwell of your Caddy and why haven’t you fixed that?
Thank you.
I was also wondering about that.
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I do not have the sunroof, so the drainhose is not plugged and the cause(which is very common for others with a sunroof)… For me, I carry liquids for my business and that may have been a possibility of an interior spill, yet I am not sure. I looked at the carpet, and it looks like it seems to soak up water and trap it from evaporating so even wet shoes getting in and out over time make it appear like it could have happened over the years. I have yet to test and confirm if the A/C may have had any effects towards the water, but do plan to just leave the carpet pulled up for a few weeks after to be able to continue checking for water pooling.
In regards to repairing the car in 25-years… The car will probably not make it that long, but assuming it did, the repair isn’t anything extremely difficult to do yourself once you have done it once before and understand the effects from the problem, so sure, why not repair it… The best fix for a long-term fix would also include ensuring that the wires are not near the floor’s sharp edge that caused the insulated wires to become pinched/cut – just filling/covering that area with a bunch of JB-weld/etc.
check to see if the vent holes on the bottom of the doors are not blocked. if they are and a heavy rain occurs, the door could fill with water and come in from behind the door panel.
OK, off topic . But why would you put liquids in your vehicle that might spill . They should be in some kind of container. Also if you are a traveling sale type why are you not getting a more econical more dependable vehicle ?
Ugh, I put liquids in my car and the top did not seal properly from expansion probably I’m not even sure if there was actually a spill or not(sealed and upright position). Actually thinking about it, compared to how much water I had found, it was not JUST from a spill, it had to be another source at the minimum. I don’t know the liquid source yet, still investigating. I do actually think it could just be simply wet feet getting in and out and over time the accumulation since the carpet seems to act like a sponge.
Far more likely your AC drain is plugged.
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No it is not that simple . Your feet can’t put that much water in and your heater and even summer ventalation with evaporate the tracked in water.
Re: Wire nut connections in cars
Except when I’m just testing a trial-circuit out, I don’t use wire-nut connections in my cars; but I occasionally replace broken multi-pin connectors when a replacement set is hard to find using solderless crimp connectors, such as this
So if I’m replacing a 9 pin connector, I just make 9 single solderless connections. Although these are called “solderless” I still usually solder them after crimping. And I cover the connection with heat shrink tubing. The downside is it can’t be easily disconnected.