2005 town and country dvd player won't eject dvd's

The 6 dvd changer in our 2005 Chrysler Town and Country will not play or eject DVDs (currently 5 stuck inside). I would greatly appreciate any ideas on how to remove the DVDs and, if known, the brand of DVD in the 2005 T&C so I can attempt to track down a user manual and to see about a replacement.

Thank you and best regards,


Also, if known, how difficult is it to replace the DVD player.

Thanks again.

Why don’t you check with a audio and video repair/installation shop? Best Buy will install just the play for about $50 to $100.

This may not be directly applicable, but I’ll try anyway.

The 6-CD changer in our Escape died too. All the CDs got stuck inside. In my case, the only solution was to take the radio out and take the cover off. In our stereo, the only way I could see to take the CDs out destroyed the player.

Sorry, but I think that’s your final answer.

On the bright side, I then went to Crutchfield, and they sold me the whole package – stereo, new brackets, wiring harness, instructions, and tech support – for a fair price. I’ve put in at least 3 stereos from them, to great success. They’re awesome.

I know this sounds like an ad. I’m sorry. But for $159 and about 2 hours of work (I’m really slow when it comes to electrical), I got a way, way better radio than I had before. BT, HD, USB, 3.5mm, iPod interface, better subwoofer control, and so forth. I think you can even pre-order installation from approved installers when you buy the stereo. And when they sent me the wrong harness, no big deal, they shipped me the right one for free.