2004 Ford Explorer- Bad transmission

2004 ford explorer transmission problems

Engine & transmission configuration? For best help here at Car Talk Forums, suggest to edit the title w/the correct model year.

Your best bet is to let a pro transmission repair shop take care of whatever trans problems you are having…

Your transmission has no dipstick fill tube, it is done through the trans pan…

Have you checked for any trans codes??

If you have the 4.0L V6 then your trans is a 5R55W, if 4.6L V8 then a 5R55S transmission… They are basically the same other then 2nd & 5th gear ratios, might be some clutch etc differences to make the S stronger for the V8 but not getting that far into this…

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I wonder if OP is thinking this is a known problem and there might be a recall or customer service bulletin?

There are some known problems dealing with the case and valve body wear… Both can be repaired by a pro, not recommended for a DIYer…