In 130K miles, we’ve had the transmission rebuilt twice and it’s acting up again. Any suggestions on what to do? Purchase factory rebuilt transission with improved sun gear? Have it serviced, replace filter every six months? Thanks!
What are the symptoms that the transmission is exibiting? Is this a four speed overdrive transmission? What transmission model? What engine size?
Its going to be a 4L60E. It sounds like whoever rebuilt this trans missed quite a bit. A GM reman would be a good idea. They come with a very good warranty. Automatics need to be serviced every 25-30k miles. Drop the pan, change the filter, replace the pan and refill. What made the trans go out the first time?? What about the second time?? What is it doing now???
Tanks for the reply! Here is the info:
Symptoms: Harsh 1-2 upshift after driving 30-45 minutes
some debris in pan and on filter when checked and serviced.
Symptoms went away after servicing. Stress tested > 45 min on Interstate with no problems but still don’t trust it.
Transmission: 4L60E, (four speed overdrive)
Engine: 4.3L V6
That’s “Thanks” not “Tanks”!
More info on symptoms:
First time: Sun Gear Shell went and shredded insides
Second Time: Harsh 1-2 upshift. Lots of metal inside, local rebuild