1999 Audi A4- Local shop?

Can you recommend a very good local shop for the 2.8L 30-valve timing belt replacement?

Sure can, EuroFix has a great rep in the Nashville area, they have 5 location to chose from around the Nashville area…

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Sure, there is a shop that specializes in Euro-cars on US 1 in Rockledge.

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Purebred pulled out the perfect answer, but if that does not work out, here is an article we created you may like: Car Talk’s Ultimate Guide to Finding a Good Mechanic in 2023 - Car Talk

Unless I missed something, the OP didn’t tell us where they live, city, state, nation… Nothing… lol

Given we don’t even know if the OP is on this side of the pond/planet or not, about any answer we give is purely guessing… :man_shrugging:

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Exactly, could live in Dogpatch, next door to Li’l Abner.


Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm are excellent towns to seek for an audi-repair shop.

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Terry Wynter’s is a great shop in Fort Myers.

This shop is only 8 miles from my home, so it’s definitely local… for me :thinking:… and they are knowledgeable about Audis.

Since this is a nationwide discussion board it would help if you could say where you are located.

That’s true, but… eventually… someone will mention a shop that is actually “local” for the OP. Perhaps the OP would prefer to wait. :wink:

Another drive by poster never to be seen again.


My message was intended for the OP. Hope they’ll respond but one never knows.

Here you go:

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With a 24 year old Audi, shouldn’t they be looking for the recycler that is offering the most?