My car died about a week ago. At first it seemed like it was just the battery. I would go to start my car and i would just get a whole bunch of clickclickclick**click. Then id jump start it and off I go. I thought it was the battery so I bought a new one and the car worked perfectly fine for a week after I bought the new battery. It died again and the same thing happened, id tried to start my car and just get clickclickclick**click. I jump start it again, with the new battery, and it worked fine. I drove to autozone to get a diagnostic and on the way there all my headlights died, even the high beam. I got to autozone and they said I had a bad alternator. I left autozone and went home. I accidently turned off the car at home and jump started it again. I sat in the car for a few minutes and noticed the battery was emitting a foul rotten egg(sulfur) smell, so i looked it up and found out it was dangerous because the battery could blow up. So i turned the car off. I had to move my car so I tried starting my car again and it started perfectly without having to jump it. I left it on the side of the road for the night. The next morning I went to autozone and got a new alternator. I charged my battery and put in the new alternator. Tried starting my car and got nothing. At first I was getting a single click from the starter but then when i kept trying to start my car, I no longer got a click. So i thought maybe the battery wasnt charged fully. I took the battery to autozone and they said it was charged fully but it was a bad battery…which I didnt understand because i just bought it barley a week ago.( I took the battery back to battery plus and they said it was frozen and could not wrranty me it). So at this moment I concluded it MUST of been the starter, I tried hitting the starter with a hammer while my girlfriend turned the key and the starter would make a rattling noise. So i went back to autozone, bought a new starter, put it in and NOTHING CHANGED. Car still didnt start. But I did get a loud click from the starter EVERY time i tried starting the car.
I asked around and got a few suggestions but I am still stumped.
I was told that the ground wires for my batter and my starter could be bad, low oil levels could be the cause, or I could have bought a faulty starter.
I don’t know what to do at this moment. Can anyone help me out?