1997 Avalon Acceleration problem

I have 1997 Avalon, AT. Just for last couple days its having very slow acceleration. Once its running change in speed creates hesitation in acceleration. Any help

The very slow acceleration sympton leads me to believe a exaust restriction (slow acceleration without missfire) But then you say once you achieve your desired speed a change in this speed (I conclude upward)produces a hesistation (hesitation like a “flat spot” initally no response then sudden acceleration) this sounds like a fuel situation.

Now comes the typical question …any “check engine” light

I am leaning towards the exaust/fuel situation because you don’t mention jerky acceleration or a “check engine” light.

Smooth acceleration but slow, then a hesitation upon speed change.

Can you correct my interpetation of your description?

Even though I am leaning towards restriction/fuel I would not neglect a secondary ignition inspection.

I will take any help a OBD2 scan gives me along with freeze frame data.

Vacuum testing and fuel pressure data would be helpful.

Thanks for input here are some of the answers to the questions:

  1. No Check engine light.

  2. Smooth acceleration but slow. Hesitation upon speed change. Some time (rare) its jerky.

  3. Don’t have vaccum test/fule pressure data - I am thinking to take it to the dealer tomorrow. I did changes recently the spark plugs etc. Thanks

Thanks for input here are some of the answers to the questions:

  1. No Check engine light.

  2. Smooth acceleration but slow. Hesitation upon speed change. Some time (rare) its jerky.

  3. Don’t have vaccum test/fule pressure data - I am thinking to take it to the dealer tomorrow. I did changes recently the spark plugs etc. Thanks