'00 VW Jetta 4cyc man tranny engine light

I recently purchased a 00 Jetta with 63K. Engine light is on. Replaced gas cap, still on. Rep front & rear H2O sensor, timing belt & tensioner, water pump, spark plugs & fuel filter. Eng light was off, but came back on after approx 250 miles. Took back to shop, same comp reading, H20 sensors, reset comp, drove another 250 miles, light came back on. My mechanic now tells me to take to dealership, any suggestions? I love the car, but since I recently purchased I don’t feel comfortable with the eng light on at all times.

you need to post the codes that caused the cel to come on. dont just write what someone tells you they mean, post the actual code. it will be in the format of P0123 or P1234 or similiar.