Red and green antifreeze...can they be mixed?

Regarding Sludge and what’s really happening…,

most people don’t even notice their coolant level until it’s to low (and it usually gets low because there is a problem) normally a leak somewhere, or a HEAD GASKET ISSUE, so people reach for the nearest coolant to top it up, even if that nearest coolant is the wrong colour, but then after a little while…, oh but whats this, now there’s a sludge in my radiator…,

guys get this right…, the sludge is oil from the head gasket leak that you didn’t fully inspect when you toped up the coolant, (there’s a reason why the coolant was low)… but now you’re all are arguing about mixing different coloured coolants turning in to sludge

ask yourselves this question WHY WAS THE COOLANT LOW ? it was low because it either leaked out or the head gasket is stuffed and if the head gasket is stuffed your coolant is going to be a sludge, nothing to do with mixing colours.

i don’t know if red and green coolants can be mixed but…, i believe the sludge is from a damamged head gasket, because damamged head gaskets create SLUDGE they allow oil in to the radiator, and coolant into the engine …, which is why you had to top up the coolant in the first place.


I do know. They cannot be mixed.

In most instances one can mix yellow and green. But why mix any coolants?

Contrary to myths, rumors, and wrong information, Dex-Cool, GM licensed red/orange coolant works very well when used as specified. I’ve used it in many cars for many, many years. It is excellent.

I believe where people get their wrong beliefs stems from the beginning years of Dex-Cool that had some problems, like the ones people cite. However the modern version, available now for a long time, is second to none.
CSA :palm_tree::sunglasses::palm_tree:

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Gentlemen, this thread is a year old. Whatever the OP decided to do has long-since been done.

I knew that, but thanks just the same. That doesn’t preclude folks like you (or me) from commenting. Everybody has the option to ignore, too. :palm_tree::sunglasses::palm_tree:

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