Good Price or pass?

our van was two tone . . . burgundy and silver

Red suede seats, two moonroofs, but no ac

it was pretty miserable to drive when it was warm weather

On the other hand, I assume if it did have ac, when the compressor engaged, it probably robbed so much power from the engine, that the van immediately became a danger to everybody

How can I get my car seen on autotrader? There are 1000s of used cars.

Try this:

Just a short comment on the need to eat in the van after a long day. I betcha your diet was different back then, guys. If you eat a lot of carbs, as the doctors mistakenly recommend today, the carbs produce glucose thus insulin which makes you hungry again. That is scientific fact.

Make up a list of what your mom fed you, and compare it to what kids are eating today and you will see the difference very fast.

My view is parents know their own kids better than anyone and trying to force all kids into the same mold simply does not work.

We don’t have daily rides for kids in our 2002 Sienna. But, after 213,000 miles with two adults, and we do eat in the car all the time, Just to save time for all the sore fingers from lecturing me on driving while eating, I am going to short cut the discussion, and say that we never eat when any cars are within maybe 15 or 30 seconds. There is plenty of wide open country where cars are far apart. Those who live on the metropolitan East Coast may not know this.

Our seats are very clean. All we do is my wife made a foam pad with a cloth covering and I sit on that. It can be washed easily, though it seldom ever needs it.

I also see people with kids who put blankets over the seats.

And, for our back seats, since here in rural Mexico at times we may have to give rides to, ahem, ‘workers’, my wife has made simple throw-over things, sort of like slip covers, made of a common cheap Mexican cloth that doesn’t look too bad. They are not fitted, She lays them over the bench seats, and uses safety pins to keep them in place.

If you eat a lot of carbs, as the doctors mistakenly recommend today

Find a different doctor if he says to eat a lot of carbs. Carbs are nothing more then just complex sugars. My doctor and most doctors I know recommend more protein. And you’re right that after a short while after eating carbs you’re hungry again.

As for eating in the car…we don’t do it often…but we do do it…

i have never met a honda owner who was unhappy with his car. i dont know any kia owners. i am trying to maintain that streak

Fruits and vegetables are complex carbohydrates and should make up most of your diet. And you shouldn’t forget protein either. The problem in the US is that most people eat too much protein. Eat them both and whole grains too in the proper proportions as well as ratios.

I feel sorry for anyone who constantly feels hungry. That’s a pretty sure sign there’s something wrong with that diet as humans were not evolved to eat constantly. The only problem with proteins is that they so often come with saturated fats. It is effectively impossible to get too little protein in any normal diet, and not hard to get too little. The typical US diet has too many simple carbs (aka sugars) and too many starchy foods that lack fiber, vitamins, good fats. There isn’t anything wrong with some sweet foods and plain starches, but they should be a modest part of any diet. A balance of complex carbs, protein, and monounsaturated fat is much healthier than what most of us eat.

I grew up eating just what most people did in the sixties and seventies - not a very healthy diet with few fresh fruits and vegetables and too much sugar and fat. Kids learn their eating habits from adults. We knew there were three meals per day, and that was that. Yes, we were hungry by dinnertime, but hunger is normal. You should be hungry by the time you eat. It makes the meal more enjoyable. It really isn’t all that painful, and I never felt like I had to have snacks between meals. Only very young kids need constant feeding, but they’re growing incredibly quickly and don’t have big stomachs. Older kids who’ve been fed regular snacks do come to expect them and have learned that whining and saying they’re too tired or weak is a way to get fed. If they haven’t eaten a good lunch, they might even be hungry.

There’s nothing wrong with eating in the car if you’re prepared to deal with the consequences. Personally, I dislike food odors in confined spaces, especially from spilled food. My parents let us eat in the car only if it was pouring outside and there was no alternative. Maybe once a year, and we had to be super careful. We still ended up with a car that stank for a day or so.

The problem in the US is that most people eat too much protein. Eat them both and whole grains too in the proper proportions as well as ratios.

That diet might be fine for people who sedentary…but once you start to up your exercise level…you need more protein. Carbohydrates is just complex sugar. I eat a lot of protein…I also exercise (mainly weight lift) 5-6 days a week…I’m sixty…still have a six-pack…and run several 5k’s a year. I’d be killing myself on a carb diet. Show me the Olympian who’s on a carb diet!

I guess it's all what you're used to. The human body was evolved to eat when it could, which wasn't even daily at times It doesn't run out of gas in a few hours as it can easily store enough for several days.. As kids we played actively all afternoon and didn't eat a thing. We had plenty of energy to get through to dinner. And most generations before me had their kids working out in the fields for hours at a time. No naps, no sandwiches.

As a (former) semi-serious road cyclist (meaning, a score of “centuries,” a few time trials, and a cyclist rating) I have to say that you CANNOT perform at a high level relying on stored food…which is predominantly fat.

Essentially, your muscles run on glucose, which they get from blood glycogen. During times of fasting, they can run on protein or lipids (that get broken down into glucose)…but they can only break 'em down so fast! While that might be “good enough” for watching Oprah…or even going for a brisk walk…you would stand at a HUGE competitive disadvantage against an opponent who had plenty 'o glycogen from a good “carbo load.”

(P.S. this is the scientific principle behind Gatorade.)

And…have you ever had to exercise strenuously on an empty stomach? It [inhales vigorously]! I remember climbing out of the Grand Canyon on a backpacjing expedition…running out of food leaving base camp…and slavishly gobbbling down what little maple syrup I had in order to make the fatigue and light-headedness go away long enough to reach the rim.

Around here in NC, eating in your car will most often lead to a rodent problem. Back to the OP’s question, used CRVs or Rav4s bring a premium price in my area of the country.

Fitness magazine interviewed several nutrition experts, And they think loading up on carbohydrates is an excellent idea for elite athletes. Certainly protein is important too, but simple carbohydrates provide the burst energy they need for hard training days. Check out the cyclists diet on the last page. Talk about carb loading.

Fitness magazine interviewed several nutrition experts, And they think loading up on carbohydrates is an excellent idea for elite athletes.

You load on carbs BEFORE a workout. Muscle is torn down during a workout. 24-48 hours AFTER the workout your body spends repairing the muscles you just tore down during your workout. And to repair muscle you NEED PROTEIN.

The more endurance athletes need more carbs…but strength or sprinters need more protein because of the higher amount of muscle. A high-end body-builder in the heavy-weight division consumes 7-8 THOUSAND calories just to maintain their muscle mass. Most is protein. These people are the extreme end.

In any case, these are athletes pushing their bodies super hard. Ordinary people doing ordinary things (like kids playing baseball) don’t need more than a good, healthy diet with adequate protein.

Hi - could you please bring this one back to cars? Thank you.

Sounds like it went into orbit,with the different body types disagreeing(believe it or not,everyone is a bit different)look at the physique of the average Black man vs the average white man)“ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free” my favorite CIA saying

Do your kids get car sick and vomit in the car a lot? If not I can’t see any real reason to want leather seats. And the price seems a bit high given the mileage.