Audi A4 on Oahu Any Suggestions for Honest Mechanics or Just Sell for Parts?



I realize brake jobs are normal wear and tear. I am sorry you misunderstood my post.

Having never owned a car with a sun roof prior to this one, I was not aware that flooding into the rear passenger floor was a problem that many cars have. My search was limited to Audi troubleshooting.

As for someone’s poor choice of a parking spot, I don’t know where the car was parked prior to my purchase. Unfortunately most people here do not have a choice of where to park their vehicles. Many, myself included, are assigned parking spots. We don’t have many deciduous trees on the island, at least not where the car was parked. Of course the wind could be a factor.

My concern is that; if it is a known problem that could lead to other very expensive problems, perhaps I should have been informed how to periodically clear out the drain line.

Anyway, as I stated, I do like the car and would consider repairing it if I could find some that was an independent mechanic. I don’t mind paying a mechanic a fair price, my son is a mechanic, however; the flat rate and shop fees of the Audi dealership are making continued repairs out of my budget.