Your first car

In 1972 my first car was a 1965 GTO. 389 4 speed. That engine developed bad bearings so I put in a mildly modified 69 Firebird 400 engine. Seriously powerful car.

A yellow 1966 Ford Econoline Super Van with a 300 straight six and three on the tree. Shag carpeting and I insulated and wood-paneled it. Oh…and chromies with baby moons. NICE!

A very mobile party room with tremendously lucky traits. When it did break, I dove in and learned for myself. My friends and I had great times in that van. It was $800 and I paid for half of it at 18.

1981 Dodge Challenger-two door,4 cylinder 2.6l rear drive,bought new around 9k then,3 speed
auto,no a/c,power steering/brakes,cassette,manual doorlock/windows.for 11 years at 110k miles no problem.anemic power,many rust spots.then traded to 91 hyundai sonata.first practice car to do my own maintainnace like-plugs,fluid changes,brakes,belts etc. etc.

I know my car isn’t older but, my parents just purchased a 2004 Chrysler Sebring Touring Platinum Sedan for me as a graduation gift. I’m still waiting for the dealer to finish up the inspection and cleaning, and i will have it either Monday or Tuesday of next week!!! i’m so excited! :slight_smile:

my first car was not the one I usually claim but I will claim it here. A 1978 Ford Fairmont 4 door. To give you an idea of the car think back to the A-Team TV show and the little crap boxes the MPs drove after the van. It was dark brown with tan interior. It used to be a rental car and was bashed pretty good down the passengers side. I think I gave $550 for it in 1988. I drove it for a couple months and traded it for a 1978 Olds Cutlass. That Cutlass was a dog with its 260V8 2 barrel but I thought it was cool. The Olds motor croaked and my brother tossed me the keys to a 68 Firebird for a couple months until I could get the Olds going again. That made me want older cars for life.

1959 Pontiac Bonneville convertible was my first car purchased in 1967. 389 with two four barrel carbs, Tri-tone leather bucket seats, every option imaginable. It was a flawless bronze metallic body with a cream colored soft top and pristine chrome (everywhere). I was working in the summers at a Chevrolet dealer where I bought it from a mechanic friend there who had washed it every single day and exceeded the service and maintenance schedules. It ran very smoothly but had a real growl to it (Walker glasspacks). Of course, getting 8 mpg around town (all the way “up” to 12 on the highway) wasn’t as painful then @ $.30 per gal. I had left it at home when I went back to school for the spring semester, and when I came home for spring break, I was surprised to see the car wasn’t at my parents’ house. My father had signed my name and sold the car, saying that I wasn’t using it, so I didn’t need it. He sold my car!!! The following summer, I bought a '62 Beetle and kept it with me in Boston - I was not going to let my father get that one! I have been a VW/Audi guy ever since.

My first car was a 50 Chev with a 52 engine, bought in 1956. Since then I NE****VER have considered a GM car.

1966 Mustang coupe, 289 2V & C4 auto. White with a maroon interior. Bought it in 1971, drove it for about a year, then sold it to buy a 1968 AMX, 390 4V & auto (Borg-Warner, I think).

The Mustang was far more reliable, but the AMX was twice as fast. In those days that was all that mattered to me.

Wish I had both of them today.

In 1973 I got promoted to a job where I had to travel extensively in the southeast. Sadly, I traded in the AMX on my first new car, a 1973 Gremlin.

@Painter33 That color would have been canyon copper, same as mine. I had a 59 Catalina that I bought in 68 for $150. Had a VW bug before that and never had a VW since. That car now would be worth north of $10K.

First car an ugly blue 79 Plymouth horizon.Had a guttless carbeurated 4 cyl which ran on only 3. Burnt oil like a kerosene lamp, 4:speed tranny was so sloppy I could change gears sans the clutch. But as mentioned it was all about freedom. I loved that blue piece of s$&t

Mine was a 1961 Oldsmobile dynamic 88. thinking it was a 394 ci, could be wrong.

First car was a 52 Buick Special, two door hardtop, light green with a dark green top. Rust does not even begin to give a picture of the cancer that infected the floors. I put a piece of plywood under the floor mat in the front so my foot had something to rest on while pushing the gas. Carried nothing in the trunk, no floors. Gigantic radio with tubes to “warm up”, tiny dial, antenna at the top of the windshield with a knob inside so you could swing it around for better reception. Straight 8 engine and Dynaflow transmission that was smooth because it started in top gear and just slipped its way up to speed. Cost me $40 to pay the guy for the “new” recap tires, the car was free. It burned 17 gallons oil oil in the first 1000 miles I drove it, so no one ever tail gated me with that huge blue cloud coming from the tail pipe.

But it was wheels.

1970 Ford Maverick with the 170 c.i. six…slow as heck. At 40000 miles started burning oil like an oil furnace…Used to have to change plugs every 500 miles or would run on 4 cylinder Terrible smoke out the exhaust. Went into the army and when I got out the junk man took it. Bought a new 1976 Maverick after getting out of the US army with the 302 and ran it over 100k with no problems.

Now why did some idiot flag Duckie for telling his story…

First car was a '61 Mercury Convertible, baby blue with a white top. Huge trunk, auto, 352 V8. I got it as a family hand me down in 1966. It was a great car for a HS senior. One quirk, it had dual exhaust and the right side didn’t get as much flow as the left due to a heat riser on the right manifold. The mufflers were at the very back of the car and they would get lots of water in them and rusted out frequently. I caught on to the Midas “lifetime” guarantee and as I recall I got a new muffler on the right side about every 8 months and the left side lasted about 2X as long. So, every 6-8 months things got loud and a trip to Midas for one or 2 free mufflers was made. Good deal for me, not so good for Midas.

My first car was a 1961 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr. I had just got done working at a farm I worked part time for in the summer and had just got paid. I was riding my bike home ( I was only 13 at the time). There was a yard sale at house that has flowing well. I stop there to get a drink of that good cold water and to look over the stuff. I seen this Ford sitting there and ask about it. The guy told me it had been his daughters car and she had just had a trans put in it. The starter was now bad and she had bought a new car and left it there for her dad to sell. When he said I could have it for $25.00 I new it was to be mine! I put my bike in the back seat and he hit the starter with a hammer. It started. I drove it home.

My dad came home from work and wanted to know were the Ford came from. I told him it was mine and it need a starter. He looked it over and said lets get it into the garage. He showed me how to get the starter out. I put it on bench and he show me how to take it apart and fix it. $2.95 in parts and my starter was as good new. I should have never beat that car like I did, But was fun!

My next car was a 66 Dart 2 door with a 225 Supper Six with a factory 4bb. The car had the 170 six when I got it but that had low oil psi. A friend of my Dads had 225 in his garage. It had been rebuild and then put away. He gave it to me for helping him out a few times. I put it in the Dart and boy did it run! Wish I had it today. Sold it for no good reason.

1972 Olds Delta 88, 350 2bbl.