Works-in-a-pinch fan-belt?

Rinse most of that off using a garden hose first.

Unless you live in an apartment complex or it is dead of winter and your garden hose is almost frozen.

Isnā€™t that against the law or something in your neck of the woods??
Or is that an oops, I was watering the flowers and accidently cleaned the windshield?? lol

lol ā€¦ no, thatā€™s still legal here. But what is illegal here is to wash your own car in your own driveway with your own water, even if the water used flows to irrigate the garden. A few folks here still wash their cars, but I notice they do it a little bit at a time, maybe a fender one day, the roof the next, etc. You might well get a fine if caught with buckets of soapy water and the car completely covered w/soap. I donā€™t know if we are allowed to wash our cars in the processof waxing them. It seems a bad idea to wash a car at a commercial carwash, then drive it back to home base and wax it, as it will get dust on the surface in the trip.

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[10 char: post deleted by me]

Babydoll was likely a better Malden movieā€¦

Replacing a failed fan belt on the road without a proper replacement can be challenging, but some creative solutions might get you back on the road temporarily. Here are a few emergency fixes that people have tried:

Pantyhose/Stockings: A common makeshift replacement is a pair of pantyhose or stockings. You can tie them tightly around the pulleys where the belt normally goes. While this is not a long-term solution, it may work well enough to drive a short distance to a safer location or repair shop.

Duct Tape: Wrapping duct tape around the pulleys in multiple layers to form a temporary belt is another possible solution. Make sure to wrap it as evenly and tightly as possible. Like pantyhose, this is only a short-term fix.

Zip Ties: In a pinch, you can try stringing together a series of strong zip ties around the pulleys. However, this method is less reliable than the others and might not hold up for long, especially at higher speeds or under load.

Rope: A strong piece of rope can be used in the same way as the other materials, tied tightly around the pulleys. Make sure itā€™s something sturdy enough to handle the friction and heat.

Important Notes:
Only attempt these fixes if you have no other option and need to get to a safer location. These are not safe or permanent fixes and can lead to further damage or failure.
Monitor the engine temperature closely. If your fan belt drives the water pump or alternator, losing it can cause your engine to overheat or lose electrical power.
Drive slowly and cautiously until you reach your destination.
Once youā€™ve used one of these temporary fixes, itā€™s essential to replace the fan belt with the correct part as soon as possible to avoid further issues.

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Cut and paste ?

Quite a few new members making some odd post todayā€¦ Itā€™s the AI BOT overlord uprisingā€¦ :laughing:

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