Woman who had Hyundai stolen three times goes head up with insurance company

I don’t understand why we don’t have minimal protection against car theft. My 2006 Piaggio motor scooter has an ignition immobilizer system factory stock. It just will not run unless you take apart the electrical system, reflash the igniter system and replace the ignition switch. The only way you can steal the thing off the street is to trailer it away or put it in a van.

The other thing is there is now very common technology available to wire in a geo-locater transmitter so if the car is stolen you can locate it from your cell phone. Rental cars have them and I suspect leased cars and maybe cars financed through a dealership, too. I just put “Car geo-locater” in Amazon and founda bunch of them.

All you need is a pocket knife which has a small jagged cuter. You cut through the steering wheel right next to the club. Then you push and pull the steering wheel apart and slide the club off.