I believe in capital punishment, but it has become obvious we can’t trust lawyers and judges to do this. I first realized it some years ago when it became evident a man on death row was innocent. And, the DA said it didn’t matter if he actually did the crime. All that mattered was he had a fair trial. We cannot trust anything to people that stupid.
So, my preference is capital punishment by potential victim. “Yes, officer, I am sure that is the man who attempted to rape my daughter, the man right there with a big hole from my .45 ACP in his head. There can be no confusion, because he hasn’t moved an inch since he attacked her.”
Years ago. an acquaintance told me he believed jail sentences were deterrents against crime. Not for a small number of evil, vile brutes, who will be deterred by nothing but major firepower, but for most of us. We are deterred by even modest jail sentences from almost every imaginable crime, big and small. If there were no sentences for any crimes, a lot more people might be doing them. I knew for sure it was true for me. The thought of one night in jail creates extreme obedience in me.
Also, it is apparent we are too eager to toss people in prison for long periods of time. There is no reason to believe the behavior of our population is any higher than in other countries, yet our per capital jail population is the highest in the world. Higher than China or Russia or?
So, it is clear we are jailing people for crimes other nations deal with, without prison time. Or, we are making the sentences much longer.
Yes, I have a list, but as someone pointed out this has to do with a specific crime by a specific person.
By the way, a buddy at work said he believes in Devil’s Island. Take those who have shown they will not live within the rules of society and pop them out on that isolated Island. Tell them, you have refused to live within the rules of civilized society, you have been a predator, now you can be prey for predators bigger and stronger than you. Enjoy.