Which new van to buy?

Trying to decide which of the following to buy: Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna or Kia Sedona. Am planning on keeping it for a long time, so resale value is of little importance to me. Both Honda and Toyota seem overpriced and almost too big, my faith in Toyota is shaken, and I am leaning towards the Sedona. Input would be greatly welcomed!

My neighbor’s son has a young family and the Sedona fits them well; they are very happy with it. With good maintenance these vans are quite reliable; the difference in price allows for a lot of repairs, should some items not be as long lived as in Honda or Toyota.

I bought a 2011 Toyota Sienna in March and have been quite satisfied. At that time, Toyota sales were down, so they gave me a good deal. The accelerator pedal hasn’t stuck yet. The one 900 trip we took we got 25 mpg. This was with the V-6 engine. I have always maintained that if you have driven one minivan, you’ve driven them all. This is my 4th minivan. I had a 1990 Ford Aerostar, a 2000 Ford Windstar, a 2006 Chevrolet Uplander and now the 2011 Toyota Sienna. The Sienna drives more like a car than did the other minivans. I did like the space of my first minivan, the Ford Aerostar. We also own a 2003 Toyota 4Runner, purchased new, that has been very reliable. This was one factor in going with the Sienna.

Thank you Docnick and Triedq for your replies. Did find another longer discussion on vans here. Have had my Nissan Quest for almost 15 years and it has been fantastic! Find I am leaning more to the Sedona, but now my quandry is to buy a 2010, or wait for the 2011 model - which from the previews, seems to have a major overhaul. Better interior, revamp of exterior and much improved gas mileage. But does that mean it will have a lot of kinks to work out? or do I go for a super deal on the 2010 Sedona? hmmm, maybe I will just keep driving my Quest

check out the Mazda 5

Having rented all three during one - two week vacations with 6-7 passengers the Toyota is vastly superior in terms of comfort and near luxury above the other two.

I had been of the opinion that if you’ve driven one minivan, you’ve driven them all. My wife pointed out to me that our 2011 Toyota Sienna really is very quiet on the road. She is very sensitive to noise and really likes a quiet vehicle.

I really liked the Mazda 5, but alas, it just isn’t big enough for my needs -