Which brands are the best for those owners who wish to do their own Maint. & Repairs?

When did I [Dave] say you said to not buy AC??

You said avoid AC… Read your post, Volvo-V70’s post and my post again…

I said:



So right back at cha sir, where did I (Dave) say that you said to not buy AC???

If you are going to try to pick apart, nitpick and accuse me of something, you might want to make sure that I said what you are accusing me of saying what you said…

To not get and avoid are basically the same thing…

But telling someone to avoid a TV with HDMI, is the same thing as telling them to not buy a TV with HDMI, same goes with AC and a vehicle, in order to avoid AC with the purchase of a newer vehicle, you have to not buy that vehicle with AC, you either buy a vehicle with or without AC…
So by saying avoid you are basically saying do not buy in this context…

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@davesmopar … you seem to be caught up in some pretty subtle semantics. Are you saying “avoid” and “not buy” are fundamentally different concepts ? Really?

In any event, “avoid” or “not buy”, I didn’t advise anyone to do either. I simply stated what I prefer.

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OK George you are right You never said to avoid anything nor have you ever said to avoid anything, it is all in my mind and I can not read nor do I understand any of the English langue and I am stupid and don’t know anything… case closed… move on sir, damn… :+1:

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The facts of buying a new vehicle.


That’s exactly what I said above . Note I didn’t tell anyone what to do or not do, to avoid or not avoid, to buy or not to buy… I simply stated my opinion as best I could about the OP’s question about what I look for in car choices for best diy’er maintenance & repair.

Damn George, read my last post and get over it and move on…

Your post takes an entire page. No time to parse my way through it all. . If you can point to the place in my posts you claim exists where I told people to avoid AC, I’ll be happy to respond.

My claim: I said what I’d do, not what anybody else should do.

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As far as Tester’s post above about the ubiquitous nature of AC in new cars, already covered above:

Since the first of this year I and 3 of my friends have purchased new vehicles . We all had a list of features that we wanted - nothing on any of George’s list were on any of ours.


The right way to read my recommendations is as warnings.

Yes. I wouldn’t live in a hot humid place.

I was just putting my 2¢ in. You-all jumped all over @George_San_Jose1 for opining against it. The original question had nothing to do with comfort, but fixability. For all I know ACs are easy to fix. There are kits at the auto stores, even MallWart.

My pickup has those. I even replaced one after thieves broke it to get in. $15 at the recyclers.

How about foreign vehicles? AC is less common in homes in Europe. The Olympic Village in Paris this year lacks AC. US and Brazil are adding their own.

Was fixability a criterion?

I saw a swamp cooler on a car. It had a turbine to force air, making it much quicker than home models. I bet it increased drag significantly.

I prefer attending to the world outside.

Does a car with PS broken steer as easily as one designed without PS? I don’t know - why I ask.

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I don’t live Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia…?


The short answer is, NO.

RE power steering. On those cars the steering ration was often different. 3 1/2 turns lock to lock versus 5 or more turns. When moving manual steering was fine, was in close quarters, like parallel parking PS was beneficial. The recirculating ball steering had a lot of slop.
Saw a guy at a big box store backing a 1960 Chevy wagon out of a parking slot, you could see him struggling to turn the wheel, what we called steering by Armstrong.

We buy cars from Europe and Asia.

So cutting the PS belt doesn’t make your car just like one without PS.

And they’re equipped with AC.

You Can No Longer Buy a New Car Without Air Conditioning


It’s a sad day.

Does that mean you think it is a sad thing because vehicles come with Air conditioning ?

If so then I hope you never have someone you care about has to take medicine that effects their abilty to function when they get to hot.

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I’m struggling a bit to recall the specifics but I believe it was a B2000 I had where the PS pump took the permanent dirt nap. I removed the belt and drove it like that for a number of years. It wasn’t all that bad but at the time, my comparison was a 1969 Corvette with a 427BB sitting right over the steering wheels and factory manual gearbox. If you ever got yourself into a spot where you had to turn the wheels without benefit of forward motion, your forearms would be burning by the time you got that beast freed up. Popeye arms come to mind…

Caster plays a part in ease of turning the steering wheel also… I can only imagine how hard a BMW or Mercedes would be to turn the wheel without PS… lol

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Did that with a 1969 Cutlass many years ago when I was still young.

I hope I never need to find out !

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