What's draining my battery?

I have a 97 Range Rover with 130K miles. I love it. The problem is that there is something draining my new battery. If I don’t drive it for 24 hours, it is completely dead. I’ve had two repair shops try to find what’s wrong — with no success. Any thoughts? Thanks, Bill in VA.

If you have an ammeter, you can hook it up and see what the current drain is. Some electronics take a little time to go to sleep, so you might want to check after an hour or so.

Or you can just start pulling one fuse per day to see which circuit has the device with the problem.

Or you can just start pulling one fuse per day to see which circuit has the device with the problem.

Yes, a fuse a day keeps the repairman away. I think I would take the first suggestion and speed the process up using an ammeter.