Warranty Experience

I’ve owned a Flow-Bee for that long. I cut my own hair and I’m pretty darn good with it. I still use a small battery powered electric trimmer, too, for fine work.

I can set up my Flow-Bee and vacuum cleaner and cut my hair in less time than it takes to drive to a barber, it’s cheaper, much cheaper, and the haircuts fit my schedule whenever I’m ready. There is no mess to clean up.

Just for fun I went online and it looks like, because of this virus scare thing, Flow-Bees are on major back-order.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

Probably because they don’t have the means to increase/start production. Not even sure they are made anymore. Could just be old new stock.

All hair clippers are on back order now. Go to the Wahl site and try to order one.

Many many many years ago Kirby vacuum cleaners had an attachment hair clipper that hooks to the suction hose of the vacuum. My wife has been cutting my hair with it for decades. It really works great, except I have to wear ear plugs. Same principle as the flow bee except hair goes into vacuum, and they are actual clippers. Back in the late 70s Kirby had vacuum operated skillsaws Sanders buffers and Sanders, but I don’t know if they worked, but the hair clippers do.

Last week, I bought a Braun cordless hair trimmer at Costco, and I am going to give it a try tomorrow.
I’ll let you know how it turned-out.

With Flow-Bee the vacuum’s suction stands hairs on end and a row of oscillating cutting blades (the cutter hooks into the vacuum hose and it plugs into an AC outlet) shear the hair and it is sucked into the vacuum cleaner.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

I had bought some other beard trimmer that nipped me, bought the braun at costco, and there is no description or what to do with all the attachments. Nose hair trimmer I get, searched everywhere and no clue what they do, If you figure it out let me know! Trimmer works fine.

Will do!

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